Manchester Cares is no longer operational – this website is for information only

Alone Together activity pack for May

Please note: this post is 58 months old and The Cares Family is no longer operational. This post is shared for information only

Ey Collage

Over the last months we have seen such creative ways of staying connected in our community! Our #AloneTogether activity pack went down an absolute treat in April. We are really excited to be launching our fun filled May activity pack today! 

We have created an entire month of daily activities for older and younger neighbours to take part in at home - one for every day in May! Thank you to all our neighbours who sent in photos of the activities, we love seeing them and can’t wait to see what delights you will create in May.

Some of our highlights from April include ‘’Which 5 celebrities would you have for dinner and what would you cook for them?’’ and 26th April ‘’Make a collage of somewhere you like visiting in your community using old newspapers, magazines and paper.’’

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Click here to download our #AloneTogether activity pack

But this is also much bigger than us. We want this to be a resource for everyone. 

So if you have older relatives, friends, neighbours, parents, colleagues, flatmates – just about anyone you think could benefit from a daily distraction this May – please download and share the full pack below.

We'll be sharing some of the results of your activity over the coming days, so please check in on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.