Manchester Cares is no longer operational – this website is for information only

Bowling into the Future

Please note: this post is 45 months old and The Cares Family is no longer operational. This post is shared for information only

Olwyn Bowls

In the dark days of early January this year, Manchester Cares had a meeting that brought in positivity, light and hope. We caught up with Olwyn T, Olwyn H, and Anne: three ladies from Debdale Bowling Club who were excited for the future and eager to link up with the Manchester Cares’ community.


Debdale Bowling Club is situated in Debdale Park in Gorton. The club, which was previously split along gender lines, is now a fully mixed gender bowling club. Olwyn T, the social secretary is keen for the inclusivity of the club to keep on growing. Olwyn is passionate about community and says she wants the club to be open for ‘groups, friends, families’ and for people ‘of all ages- young and old.’ The group shares the values of Manchester Cares, and sees the vitality of bringing different age groups together. Olwyn expressed how important it can be for a younger person to learn a new skill from someone from an older generation, and similarly how wonderful it can be for older neighbours to feel that they are passing on their knowledge.

The group realise that people often think the bowling green, and others like it, are private. They want their community to know that this bowling green is a public space - to be enjoyed by the whole community. There are plenty of members at the club who can teach you how to play the game, and there is equipment available for you to use. 

Heather Bowls

Amy and Heather from the Manchester Cares team went along to scope out the venue for a social club back in April, and to try their hand at bowls. They learnt their ‘woods’ from their ‘jacks’ and had a relaxing lunch-time game. Amy even managed to beat Olwyn in her first ever game. Olwyn put this down to beginners' luck ! The club is a welcoming and friendly environment- and we can't wait to do some activities there.

Debdale Bowling Club will be welcoming the Manchester Cares' community in for social clubs from July this year- so keep an eye on the programme for those. Before then you can enjoy the benefits of bowling by coming along to their open day, this Saturday (29th May) between 11 and 3 for a free taster session.

The group at Debdale Bowling Club are 'looking forward to an exciting future,' and we're looking forward to hosting social clubs and getting our younger and older neighbours out on the bowling green.