Manchester Cares is no longer operational – this website is for information only

Mixing with Manchester Cares

Please note: this post is 82 months old and The Cares Family is no longer operational. This post is shared for information only


My name is Ged and I live in Ancoats, Manchester.

In the unlikely event that you don’t know about Manchester Cares, they’re a group of young professionals who volunteer to mix with older people in society to exchange ideas, views, stories and generally have a good time together through the many events and activities on offer at a multitude of venues in our city of Manchester. It’s a great project and helps older members of society to feel more energised and, yes, younger again.

Since Manchester Cares appeared on the scene several months ago, I’ve been proud to have been one of its first members and continue to support the project whenever possible, although I have “fingers in many pies” and a busy diary.

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Many older – sorry, young-at-heart – people, like myself, think retirement is a time to put your feet up and lock yourself away. Well, you could do that. But, with our city changing all around us, now is a time to meet new people and try out new things – and to remain active both mentally and physically; otherwise it would be a waste of what could be new opportunities, interests, fulfilment and friendships.

Thanks to Manchester Cares I have already: 

These are just some of Manchester Cares’ activities (a new list of events is published monthly). Whether you’re a Mancunian of 80 years’ standing, or been in town for just 80 days, I can thoroughly recommend getting involved: at Manchester Cares everyone – young and old – is welcome. I’m very glad I did!