Manchester Cares is no longer operational – this website is for information only

#TeamManchesterCares Needs You!

Please note: this post is 81 months old and The Cares Family is no longer operational. This post is shared for information only

Click Here To Find Out How You Can Make Difference In Manchester 1

We’ve all been there – scrolling down the Facebook timeline, briefly stopping at a post of a friend running a 10k for a charity, and then scrolling on past to find out what went down on last night's Love Island because someone in the office said it was really dramatic. And most of us have heard pleas to buy cakes from paper plates in the work canteen – often smiling and apologising for having no change.

But when I joined Manchester Cares, I discovered – from running our first fundraising quiz – that raising money can be fun! A room full of people had a great night and made a difference for something they care about. People respond to effort – and are often more ready than we first think to contribute, and to make a difference.

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So whether you’re a Harry Potter fanatic, or you love baking, or you want to fulfil your dream of running through mud and obstacles, or push yourself through a personal boundary with a marathon, you can share that with the world and use it to help others. You’ll be surprised by how many people will support you.

In this spirit, #TeamManchesterCares is looking for new recruits – to run the Manchester Half in October. And if that’s a stretch too far, you can walk, bake, talk, perform, write, cycle or do anything you love to help us support Manchester Cares to tackle isolation and loneliness in our rapidly changing city.