Manchester Cares is no longer operational – this website is for information only

Winter Wellbeing - from warm goods to winter grants, keeping neighbours warm across the city

Please note: this post is 62 months old and The Cares Family is no longer operational. This post is shared for information only

For many of us, winter is a time to get the woolly blankets out, cosy up on the sofa with pals and a cup of tea and binge watch Stranger Things.

But for many others, winter is a time of high heating billsshorter days and icy pavements which can make getting out daunting. On top of this, having little or no connection to local people and streets that are rapidly changing can feel alienating. It can be the most isolating and worrying time of the year.

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This is why Manchester Cares is launching its third Winter Wellbeing project. From Collyhurst, Miles Platting and Ancoats, down to Moss Side, Rusholme and Whalley Range, and everywhere in between, proactive outreach is how we connect with older neighbours who are most at risk of being left behind as the days get shorter and nights get colder.

We will be striking up conversations with our neighbours to ask them if there’s anything we can help with this winter to help them stay warm, active, and connected. You’ll find us everywhere from Post Offices to supermarkets, meeting anyone over 65 who may need help staying warm this winter. 

As part of Winter Wellbeing we can support our older neighbours by:

  • Delivering a blanket or warm item of clothing to their door;
  • Connecting individuals with organisations that can help reduce bills and offer benefits and insulation advice;
  • Arranging small grants of up to £100 to help those who are struggling to keep their home warm or need a winter coat;
  • Inviting older neighbours to our 15 free Social Clubs each month, and other activities close by;
  • Introducing older neighbours to a young professional for weekly one to one visits as part of our Love Your Neighbour  programme.

We will continue to work with our brilliant partners within the community to both reach our older neighbours and find them the right support. 

Last year we spoke to 636 older neighbours about the project, going on to make 283 individual interventions. You can read more in the final report, here.